March 14, 2010

Ways of Knowing...

So I thought I was in need of a challenge... things were getting grey and life was beginning to look less exciting... some study I thought! (stupid thought) alas though I have begun doing a paper at bible college... for credit!!! ugh!

why why why i ask myself now! when i signed up i remember me chiming i have heaps of time and I need a challenge and i dont learn good by just listening... no for credit it is!

so about to embark on my 3rd lecture I thought i would write some reflections of my time at "bible college" so far.

Firstly lets clear some things up... It did not even cross my mind that this could be a place to meet lovely... young... christian... (single) men... the amount of slack I have been getting with the whole bridal college thing! not my key motivation people! (instead its an added bonus)

I also have spent most of my life silently mocking the idea of going to bible college... its a place to go when you dont really know what you want to do with your life... hoping a couple of years out of the real world may just clarify your "true calling" in life... this may perhaps be one of the most misguided judgements I have ever made in my life... so sorry for all those silent thoughts I held before experiencing this place of learning...

Also something that someone said to me was as believers... how shocking is it that we commit to devoting our whole life to following this deity that we spend about 30 minutes learning about in church on a sunday (30 mins if im lucky... i usually have the average attention span of about 8mins) but how we make this decision this commitment to follow yet spend no time researching and delving deeper into history, culture, word and teachings. So i guess thats kinda exciting...

my course its called Ways of Knowing and looks at Epistemology! Yep i can use that word cos i know what it means!

So really exciting my brain is expanding... and I hope to continue to share my thoughts and learnings as I go along...

Basic outline of what my course is on below...

Ways of Knowing seeks to answer the question “What difference does the gospel make to our ways of knowing?” The course spans how we know (epistemology), how we interpret (hermeneutics), how we think from the Gospel (theological method), how ideas have shaped society (history of thought), how ideas can be changed (leadership and public discourse), and the personal challenges of knowing well. Our aims are intellectual, personal and practical: to introduce the themes of epistemology; to throw useful light on the lived experience of making sense of ourselves and ideas, events and things; to foster improved skills of scholarship; and to suggest how we might engage and influence in the marketplace of ideas.

ps. thanks to M&K Haines for funding this... best birthday present ever (tears included!)

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