April 9, 2011

Do you know the way to San Jose...

* Do you know the way to San Jose - Dionne Warwick - Valley of the Dolls

Basically there are so many signs directing you to San Jose in San Francisco you cant possibly not know the way!

I wasnt going to blog today as it was a pretty boring day... just travelling really.

BUT... in my shuttle on the way to Pasadena... we dropped a guy off at Caltech... which i got excited about because its where Sheldon, Leonard, Wallowitz and Kuthripali work!

Later I found out its actually famous because Einstein went there or something... mhe!

Arrived in LA its a pretty blah looking city or at least the drive from the airport was... has some nice hills!

Also had a epic fail when i tried to check in for the wrong airline... whoops! always read your ticket... where it says American Airlines not United Airlines! got there in the end!

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