March 29, 2010

Someone Else's Song...

Recently I was reading a blog which was entitled 'Per Caritatem'

I spent ages thinking hmmm what does that mean...? and it was an abbreviation for Non intratur in veritatem nisi per caritatem - translating to 'One cannot enter into the truth without love'. The words from the one and only Augustine. I thought man that’s such a cool statement and is something that I am beginning to grow and understanding of what it means.

Anyway I though hmmm why have I titled my blog the way I have... well it’s a Wilco lyric.

I can’t in no way begin to explain what Tweedy is actually singing about - I am not him. But maybe that’s the point of poetry - each to their own.

There is this really funny website where people attempt to decipher meaning in people’s lyrics. Just makes me want to cry!
But I think thats why John Lennon wrote I am The Walrus.

People began to say what they thought the Beatles lyrics were meaning and were trying to hard to find meaning in everything. People are stupid!

Anyways I chose this song to title my blog because someone once said to me (after I apologised for regurgitating someone else's opinion as I quite often do) that there is nothing new under the sun... quoting from Ecclesiastes I believe. Ambrose Bierce adds to this saying... But lots of old things we don’t know.

Most of my thoughts, my rants, my ideas etc... are based on what I have heard, seen or read. It sounds like someone else's song ... from a long time ago.

And Tweedy? well who knows what he was on about!

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